About us

INELEKTRA Sp. z o. o. is a Polish technology and trading company, founded in 2012.
We provide comprehensive solutions for electronic products – from idea to final product.
We specialize in comprehensive design of custom electronic products and we also have our own brands.
Our main areas of interest are lighting, automotive, power systems, microprocessor software and smartphone applications.
We have our own design department with extensive experience – electronics engineers, mechanics, design designers, quality and certification engineers.
We design electronic products, starting from the product concept, moving on to the design of PCB circuits, electronic systems and specialized housings for our clients.
We implement products for mass production, order their assembly and certification.
We have our own department that takes care of the appearance and aesthetics of products.
The second important market segment we deal with is wholesale trade in electronic, electrical and computer components.
We also provide professional and specialized cleaning services. Our offer also includes comprehensive services with specialized cleaning machines.